Welcome to Robotics and Intelligent Systems Lab

The Robotics and Intelligent Systems Laboratory was founded in 1995.

The research mission of Robotics and Intelligent Systems Lab is to develop tools and techniques to understand , design and develop large-scale, industrial grade robotic systems and autonomous vehicles.
Such systems are aggregates of industrial robots, autonomous underwater vehicles, mobile robots, sensor networks, biomechanics and sensors networks. We try to integrate various technologies like networking , intelligent systems, man machine interaction systems and robotics to develop potential applications.

We are researching into the future of robotic systems, where robots go beyond laboratory environments or manufacturing lines and tackle the real world problem. If robots are to behave autonomously then they must have the capability of independent movement and 'intelligent' control strategies. Here many experiments are being conducted to inbuilt 'intelligence' in to the controllers for robotic systems. In addition to classical robots mobile robotic systems are researched and developed. They can be either locomoted by wheels, legs or alternative novel methods.
More over in this lab Human Computer interaction systems were developed. Intelligent driving simulator is a kind of that.