Virtual Laboratory on Mine Ventilation
Department of Mining Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Please insert your personal details

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Enter your Institute/College/University name:

Please indicate your agreement with the following statements

Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor
How do you rate the online performance of the experiment?
To what extent did you have control over the interactions?
To what degree was the actual lab environment simulated?
Was the measurement and analysis of data easy for you?
The manuals were found to be helpful
Were the links provided consistent with the objectives of the experiment?
Were the results of the experiment easily interpreted?
A clear understanding of the experiment and related topics was gained

Please answer the following
Yes No
Did you get the feel of a real lab while performing the experiments virtually?
Did you feel the absence of an instructor?
Could you run the experiments smoothly, i.e., without interruptions?
Could you measure and analyse the data successfully?
Did you follow the step by step procedure before doing the live experiment?
Could you compare your results with the given typical results?
Do you think performing experiments through virtual labs were more challenging than the real lab experiments?
Do you think doing experiments through virtual lab gives scope for more innovative and creative research work?